




It was used as the residence of the Koma family, who served for the Koma Shrine.
It is estimated to have been built in the latter half of the 17th century (the first half of the Edo period), making it an extremely old building among private residences in eastern Japan.
It is built in the irimoya-zukuri (a hip-and-gable roof construction) with a thatched roof, and measures 7.5 ken* (14.3 meters) in length and 5 ken (9.5 meters) in beam length.
The room layout is in the “ancient four-floor plan” style, consisting of an Oku-zashiki (inner room), a 21-tatami-mat Omote-zashiki (outer room), a kitchen, a back room, and an earthen floor.

Click here you can see inside.

*ken is a unit of length in the shakukan-ho system, which has been usend in Japan since ancient times. 1 ken= about 1.82m

Address : Niihori 833-1, Hidaka City, Saitama, Japan 350-1243

고려신사를 섬기던 고려인의 주거지로 사용되었던 건물입니다.
건축은 17세기 후반(에도시대 전반)으로 추정되며, 일본 동부의 민가 중에서는 매우 오래된 건축물이다.
입모양집으로 지붕은 초가지붕이며, 대들보 7칸 반(14.3미터), 양지바른 5칸(9.5미터) 규모입니다.
구조는 고사방형(古四間形)으로, ‘안방’, 21조각의 ‘오쿠자시키(奥座敷)’, ‘오모테(表座敷)’, ‘카츠테(勝手)’와 ‘헤이야(へや)’, 그리고 토방으로 구성되어 있습니다.
여기에서실내의 모습도 볼 수 있습니다.

[히다카시 홈페이지는 여기] (https://www.city.hidaka.lg.jp/soshiki/kyoiku/shogaigakushu/bunkazai/rekishibunkazai/1084.html)

주소:사이타마현 히다카시 신보리833−1

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